Friday, April 24, 2009


When I conduct premarital counseling sessions, I ask every couple to read 1 Corinthians 13 from the Message version of the Bible. I love to see their facial expressions. It’s like they’re seeing something for the first time, and I sense from them that it’s what every couple – every person – longs for. Privately, their mannerisms state, “If we can have this in our marriage or life, we will experience success, but without this picture of love, it will echo emptiness.

Take these statements from God’s Word on love and begin to build…
  • Love always finds a way
  • Let love be your greatest aim
  • Love people more than they deserve
  • Love does not force its will or way
  • Love keeps no record of wrongs
  • Never miss a chance to say a kind, encouraging word
  • Be lovable
  • Make it a point to love someone who is unlovable
  • Love builds bridges
  • Love never gives up

One fundamental thought: We all want to be loved. What can you do today in your home, in your neighborhood, in your church, in your job, in your business, and in your marriage to show acts of love? Love is best revealed in action.

I heard this statement, “You can give without loving, but you can’t love without giving.” That is so right on. I know how to love because Christ first loved me.

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