Friday, May 1, 2009

Real Worship...

Let’s talk about worship. I have noticed many people see worship as just a synonym for music. Some would say our weekend services look like this: "We have worship first and then teaching." Others see worship for their benefit. I enjoy being in the atrium meeting people after service, and each week I hear people make comments on worship such as, "I enjoyed worship today. It really connected." I have also observed worship can be identified by ceremonies, candles, and communion, or healing and miracles.

All of these ideas about worship, however, fall so short. Worship is far more than singing, praising, and praying. We worship God by enjoying Him. Here is a statement by C.S. Lewis that defines worship: "In commanding us to glorify Him, God is inviting us to enjoy Him." God wants us to be true worshippers.

Our goal should be to connect the God-given desire to worship with the One who seeks true worshippers. To accomplish this goal, we are challenged to expand our understanding of worship. Let’s rethink worship. Rather than simply seeing it as a segment of the church service, let's begin to see worship as anything that brings pleasure to God. The results will be a church filled with true worshippers.

I want to challenge you to see how every activity you do can be an act of worship when it's done for the pleasure of God. Some of you may be asking the question, "How can everything I do bring honor and glory to God?" The answer is by doing everything as if you are doing it for Jesus and by engaging in continual conversation with Him while you are doing it.

By doing so, you will begin to see what real worship is all about...falling in love with Jesus.

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