Friday, February 26, 2010

Beauty Not A Beast

For three days at a conference, I absorbed some of the most incredible teachings on Grace I have ever heard. The love I already had for a beautiful world without Christ increased even more. In Matthew 10:5 Jesus said go to lost, confused people… touch the untouchables. You have been treated generously, so live generously.

Rather than seeing the world as the beast, Jesus saw the beauty of the world. Rather than seeing the sin of people, He saw the beauty of people, which prompted Him to want humanity as His bride. Jesus saw the beauty of humanity crippled by sin, broken and lonely, spiritually destitute and emotionally desperate, facing an eternal divorce sentence from God. Yet, to the contrary God is all about reconciliation, restoration, and healing.

Let’s be honest, there are many times when all we see is the beast side of people. Last thing we want to do is admit that people are beautiful and share with them how much God loves and values them.

I came away from this conference having received so much more than I could possibly ever give. I came away with a new burden for those who are hurting -- those it would be easier to turn away from than to turn toward -- holding God’s love and mercy in my hands. I have a new freedom, which means I also have a new responsibility to be God with skin on in my home, in my ministry, and in my daily life. I pray God uses us all to look for and reach out to those who seem to be unlovable -- those broken people who wait, longing for hope, love and healing.

Friday, February 19, 2010

I Love the Church

Do you know what time it is? It is consumerism time. Life since the mid 80’s has centered around consumerism. Yet in the past 15 years, that mindset has been even more evident. We are a generation of consumers. If we were to describe our culture, it would be self-centered, independent, and analytical. That mindset has made its way, in massive proportions, into the church. It is revealed in the refusal by followers of Christ to settle down and make a life investment into their spiritual community.

Is this what God wants for us? Is this what God design His Church to look like? Let’s fall in love with our Church. Let’s not forget that Church is not a denomination or a name; it is a family of Christ followers that serves as a support and growth tool on our faith journey. Our church is the place God grows us, encourages us, and uses us the best. Loving Jesus involves a passionate love commitment to His Church -- locally, nationally and globally.

It is time for us to get off the loner Christian journey and fall in love with the CHURCH and start journeying together in our faith with fellow members who love Christ.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Caring or Conversion

Do you want to jump start your faith? Do you desire a deeper spiritual relationship with Christ? I want to challenge you to care about other people’s spiritual condition. When you see the word CARE, you may conclude it means “being nice to people.” Nice is good, nice is all right, but I want to challenge you to care about people’s connection with God. Care that they understand God’s love and forgiveness and that they experience His influence and how He can redirect their course of life.

A lot can be said about our spiritual maturity based on how we care for people’s spiritual condition. When I say that, immediately we think, “I’ve got to be on a mission of spiritual conversion,” and yet, I want to challenge you to CARE for a person rather than trying to convert them. Use this acrostic of the word CARE to help people connect spiritually with God.

C – Common Ground. Find common ground in your conversations.

A – Accept people just the way they are.

R – Risk by stepping out to share your spiritual story about you and God.

E – Expect God to do His part as you do yours.

Friends! If He is indeed the Savior of the world, and you know that personally, and you believe that, then why would you not want other people to experience that He is indeed the Savior of the world? Why wouldn’t you be willing to risk? Why wouldn’t you be willing to face your fears, to really care for people, and to have spiritual conversations? Not with the agenda to convert, but with the agenda to care, and with the agenda to love and with the agenda to point them to Jesus because He is indeed the Savior of the world. That’s the challenge.

Friday, February 5, 2010

American Dream

We live in an amazing country -- a country that the entire world desires to visit or reside. Each day we meet people chasing after the American dream. If we were asked, would we find ourselves like others chasing the American dream? I used to think the American dream was a house, a nice car, and 2.5 children. Yet recently, for many people, that dream seems to consist of even more -- chasing after greatness, stardom, popularity, and even power. It is the reason for all the reality shows filling our TV airways. How many times have we seen the dejected? The tears of dejection flowing, because all of the hope they wrapped up in that one moment of opportunity, is suddenly lost. Their hopes and dreams of greatness dashed away, and they are left wondering, “Where will I find greatness now”?

What we are seeing today is not new. People have always been chasing the dream of greatness. It has always been with us, and it will always be in us to chase the dream of greatness. Yet, our greatness is not what we achieve or the awards we receive. Greatness and significance is found in the contribution we make through our life in serving. Jesus said, “He who desires to be the greatest among you will be a servant to you.” According to Jesus, the power chair, the popular chair, and the prestigious chair are all found in the serving chair.

God designed all of us to make a difference with the life He has given each of us. While our culture is pushing us to chase the dream of getting the most out of life, God created us to add to life. If we are going to give our lives for something, give it for a cause that will give real significance. God wants to use you to make a difference in the world. He wants to work through you. Exhaust yourself in your donation of service and ministry to others, and discover how your life will take on real meaning.