Thursday, July 23, 2009


The August calendar is looking packed. Our entire family did an escape for one last time before school starts and all are heading in different directions. Dominick heads for his third time to the Dominican Republic on a global compassion assignment. Mia will be heading to Atlanta with a team of young people and leaders to work on a national compassion assignment. I started thinking about that, and so here is my blog of questions and thoughts. I hope you are encouraged and challenged.

What makes people travel to unknown parts of the globe and serve people they don’t know or may never see again? Why the selfless attitude? Why leave the comforts and security of America to go to unknown environments where it could potentially be dangerous?

Deep inside all of us, there is a passionate desire to make our lives count. We may not realize it, but inside there is a longing to be a hero, a desire to make a contribution with our lives, to leave the world a better place, to say, “YES! I left a mark and the world is a little better because I was here.” Did you know that is deep inside each of us because God wired us that way? God wired you to give yourself away.

So many of us exhaust our lives in frustration, trying to find out what we’re trying to do with this life, and the reason we have not discovered it is because we have not come to realize God wired each of us to give our lives away, and that is where and when fulfillment comes. Rather than thinking fulfillment comes from personal gratification, realize it doesn’t. If that was the case, the wealthiest people would be the happiest people, and we know that is not true.

To all those headed to the Dominican, to Atlanta, to different parts of the world, who serve in a capacity that enriches people lives -- from Pop Warner, little league, sports, etc. to cub scouts, boy scouts, brownies, girl scouts, etc… from the local church usher, kids worker, etc. to the local community relay for life, etc. -- whoever, wherever, only live ONE life. Live how God wired you and experience purpose and fulfillment.

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