Friday, July 17, 2009

One Life...

Living a life that impacts and influences... I have always wanted to live a life of influence, a life beyond just existing. The more I talk with people, I find that so many of us have that common desire to live a life that impacts. Even more than our desire to live this kind of life, God wants us, and designed us, to live a life with meaning and will show us how.


At the end of His life, Jesus Christ was able to pray a prayer in John 17 the night before He died on the cross. He stated, "Having finished the work that you gave Me to do, I brought you honor and glory on the earth." Even when He was on the cross with His last dying breath, Christ was able to say, "It's done. It's complete." Wouldn't you like to be able to conclude life that way -- with a real sense of, "I finished it; it's complete"? Here are some things to keep in the forefront about Jesus Christ: Jesus Christ set His goals and went after them. Jesus Christ lived significantly in His relationships with other people. Jesus Christ understood and maximized His time. Knowing those things about Christ…

If we want to improve our impact and influence:

1. Start serving.
2. Stay humble.
3. Stop worrying.

We only live one life, let’s make it count!

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