Thursday, December 4, 2008

What an Opportunity

We all want our lives to count. Regardless of our age, we don’t want to just simply exist. We have an opportunity to invest our lives into things that are really important. Knowing that lives are changing and will continue to change as people of all ages discover Christ is exciting. God does not want us wasting our lives with “when and then” thinking by believing that “when” this happens “then” we will really start having fun and living life. Allow me to encourage and challenge you to do something for God that really matters.

Doing something for God’s kingdom and His cause is a guarantee of no regrets. When you get to the end of life and look back, the only thing that will matter is whether you accomplished God’s purposes for your life. Jesus told the twelve that followed Him, “I must be about my Father’s business.” If we all had that focus and concentration in our lives, there is no telling what God would accomplish in the world.

I find that people are paralyzed by the fear that they may go through life not accomplishing anything that has significance and value. All of us want our lives to count.

Many call Celebrate home and many more visit Celebrate’s website. We are always hearing from you and it is encouraging. I challenged our Celebrate family two weeks ago to pray and commit to a year-end gift. Our goal is to reach $290,000. This gift would go toward the remaining balance for the land we have contracted with Disney to purchase. (By the way, this land will house the first phase building of Celebrate Church, and we are currently going through the due diligence process to see that first phase completed by December 2010.)

The year-end gift would also help to furnish our newest campus location where ongoing life-changing ministry takes place including the weekly gatherings and meetings of our young adult community and the Celebrate Recovery ministry. If you were at Celebrate or if you happened to listen to our Podcast two weeks ago, you heard from those who have experienced the kind of life change that only Jesus Christ can give. Of course there are so many more stories I would love for you to hear, and if you hang around Celebrate long enough, you will personally witness hundreds of lives discovering Christ.

What a way to make our lives count by investing in His Kingdom and His Cause. Thank you for hearing my heart for people. People matter to God and they matter to us.

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