Thursday, December 18, 2008

Let's Celebrate

I want to thank you for taking the time to read these Christmas thoughts. I have discovered several facts along life’s journey: People long for community and God’s designed all of us to live in a loving community, a community centered around values of trust, hope, love, and vision. God wants us to do more than just get by. He wants us to celebrate His life and follow Christ together. We will be celebrating together this coming Sunday and then we'll come back together again on Christmas Eve at the Omni to consider the impact of His birth.

We are doing a service that is not just for us. This series, "Let It Be Christmas," and our Christmas Eve service allows us as a community of Christ followers to reach out and offer to the community a Christmas experience where the story of the birth of Christ unfolds in a marvelous way. It will be another dynamic presentation, and it is why we have made thousands of advertisement cards, letters, emails, and full newspaper ads, and it is why we are making room for more and more and more. We want you to know there is a place this Christmas season to bring family, friends and neighbors to come and hear the story about the birth of Jesus Christ. I am taking time in this week's blog and e-letter to communicate the importance of inviting family and friends. It is one of those times of the year where people are really open to hearing about Christ and venturing off to church.

This is also a time where Carol and I will be making our Christmas offering above and beyond our normal giving. Every year for the past 4 years during Christmas at Celebrate, we offer a gift above and beyond to the work of Jesus Christ to honor Him on the day we celebrate His birth and His arrival to the world. And so I invite you this weekend and this Christmas Eve to make a wonderful gift to the Christ child.

As a spiritual community of Christ followers, we are not here to do church or play games, we are here to celebrate that God came into this world in His son Jesus Christ, and that changed everything.

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