Friday, April 16, 2010


NOW FAITH is the confirmation of the things we hope for, being the proof of things we do not see and the firm conviction of their reality not revealed to our human senses [touch, taste, feel, hear and see]. Hebrews 11:1

Dictionaries usually define conviction as a fixed or strong belief. Conviction is really much more than that. Your convictions include your values, commitments, and motivations. I like the definition of conviction I read the other day: "A belief is something you will argue about. A conviction is something you will die for!"

Our convictions determine our conduct. They motivate us to act in certain ways. Do you remember when you first began to follow Christ? You found yourself following what other Christians were doing and role modeling. You may pray, read the Bible, and attend services because you see the examples of others. This is totally ok. It is what we call “learned behavior.” Our children learn the same way by watching us. However, as we grow, we are challenged to develop our own reasons for doing what we do. Those reasons become our convictions. Those convictions, values, and commitments become our LIFE MAP.

God convictions are essential for spiritual growth and maturity. Those convictions we discover from His Word -- from Scripture -- reveal to us what are major convictions and what are minor convictions. What is ironic today is that people often have strong convictions about weak issues (football, fashions, politics, etc.), while having weak convictions about major issues (what is right and what is wrong).

Think about your walk with Jesus and make a list of the convictions you now hold. Ask yourself, “Am I majoring on the minors, and have I allowed the minors to be major?”

Let God’s convictions become your LIFE MAP.

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