Friday, January 8, 2010

Living the Life...

Is there someone we can look to that lived life? Someone who not just existed in life but who lived a life that had meaning, worth, and significance? Yes...Jesus Christ. Is there anyone who can give us solid, firsthand knowledge and advice on the life that Christ lived? Yes...Peter. Peter walked with Christ and saw firsthand how Jesus lived His life. So what can he pass on to us about Christ?

How do we live the kind of life that God wants and designed for us to live? I have always wanted to do something significant and important with my life. I have discovered I am not the only one. When I talk with others, I discover that everyone wants to live a meaningful and significant life. Take time this week and read the book of 1 Peter in the Bible, and you will discover how to live the life of significance that God wants you to live.

The reason this is so cool is that this is the Apostle Peter passing down to you and me what He learned and watched from Jesus Christ. At the end of His life, Jesus was able to say to God the Father, “I have finished the work You gave me to do on earth and I brought you glory and honor on earth.” When He was on the cross, Jesus made a final statement to God: “It is finished…it is done… it is complete.” Wouldn’t you like to be able to say at the end of your life with a real sense of fulfillment, “It is done... it is complete… it is finished”?

What did Peter see from Christ that we can do to start living in such a way that our lives improve their impact and influence?
  • Peter saw how Jesus set His goals and went after them.
  • Peter saw how Jesus lived significantly in His relationships with other people.
  • Peter saw how Jesus maximized and managed His time.

When you think about what Christ did for people, you know His life was in major demand. People needed him, but if He would have used the “people need me” card, then he would have lost focus of His mission… His relationships with all of them would have been casual with no closeness… His time would have been consumed with the urgent or high profile platforms. Jesus never stopped serving… Jesus never got away from being humble… Jesus never worried about life.

If we are going to live a life of significant meaning, then we need to set our focus on serving… on being humble… not worrying. Set goals… Do real, authentic life with others… Control your time with the important and not the urgent.

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