Friday, September 18, 2009


Have you ever noticed the caution signs or danger signs on the roads? It lets us know things out of the norm could take place and have taken place. The signs are there because, at some point, a dangerous situation occurred that required caution or preparedness.

Times of hardness are inevitable. It’s true we have been redeemed and adopted into the family of Christ with all its perks, privileges, and promises, but don’t be caught off guard. Satan is going to challenge you and pose dangerous situations in your walk with Christ. Don’t be surprised when things get tough. Most often the only thing we will have to stand on when times get tough is our faith. It is during those times we will be speaking words of God’s promises that are contrary to the circumstance we are encountering. Paul nailed it when he challenged the follower of Christ to “walk by faith and not by sight.” Walk by what you are persuaded of, confidently assured of, rather than by what you see, hear, and experience. I am persuaded that God is love, God is great, God is powerful, God is all knowing, etc., and I am His child. This is what I call living by faith rather than trying by faith.

Living by faith is a lifestyle, not something you try. You live by faith when it is hard and when it easy. You live it all the time. You live it because you know living by faith pleases God (Hebrews 11:6). Below is a prayer that I logged in my journal in March 2000… I hope it encourages you and propels you to live by God’s promises.

Thank you, God, for your Word. Daily I read your Word and desire to walk in it. Your word sets the atmosphere, it breaks up and penetrates my hard head, skepticism, and makes my unbelieving mind doubt its unbelief. Your Word sets my heart, directs my walk, and renews my mind. Father, I love your Word. May the words of my mouth, and thoughts of my heart reflect Your Word.

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