Thursday, June 18, 2009

Hot Pursuit

It has been a refreshing week here in Pittsburgh. At some point, you have to pull over and refuel the vehicle. I have been listening to gifted teachers communicate the simple truths from God’s Word that can get overlooked, taken for granted, or overshadowed by circumstances...nonetheless, I needed to be reminded. Here is a tid bit of what I have been reminded of:
  • It is time to be aggressive and energetic when it comes to letting go of the past and pressing forward to the abundant life God has designed for you.
  • It is time to courageously go after the victory that is promised.
  • It is time to have a warrior mentality and to proactively pursue the joy, health, peace, and prosperity that God has promised for the Christ follower in His Word.

In the Old Testament, aggressive statements like “cross over,” “rise up,” or “take hold of” all imply action. It is time to stop dwelling on past mistakes, flops, and failures and determine to never look back. God told Joshua, “get up...cross over.”

Set your focus on the Word of God and His promises, and discover the abundant life of joy, peace, faith, and prosperity in every single area of your life

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