Friday, January 29, 2010


Ok, here we go. I want to challenge you to grow. The statement I am about to make I believe, without a doubt, that you will agree with: “The number one cause of the problems we encounter is immaturity.” We find ourselves getting into all kinds of problems by saying immature things, making immature decisions, acting in immature ways. I know this may sound simple, but we just need to grow up. Let’s take the letters G.R.O.W. and follow a simple path that will provoke us to grow.

God - It is God’s will for every person that they grow. Hebrews 6:1 says, “Let us go on to maturity.” Simply put, God says, “Grow up.” That is why it is imperative that you belong to a local Bible-believing and practicing church, because the purpose of a spiritual community is to help each of us who belong to it to grow spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and relationally. One of God’s purposes for His Church is to help perpetuate individual growth.

Read - As a Christ follower, one asset to growing is learning the priceless value of reading God’s Word for yourself. Basically learning how to feed yourself. In Hebrews, again, the writer challenges us by stating, “You have been Christ followers for a long time now, and you ought to be teaching others. Instead you still need someone to teach you…” Here is a simple action plan for reading: Pick a daily or weekly plan; get a journal so you can write your observations from your reading; read in a group so you can dialogue if you have any questions; meditate on how you can apply to your life a truth or a principal that you have discovered; and ask God through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit to help you live it out.

Obey - Jesus said, “You say I am the authority over life but you don’t even do what I say.” “Those who love me obey me.” Jesus went on to state that obedience is not following a bunch of church or denominational rules. In fact, it is the total opposite. Our obedience is a reflection of how much we value our relationship and our love for Him. Obedience, when it is relationally driven, is a mark of maturity and growth.

Walk - Make a choice to walk by your God-deposited faith and not your feelings. I can only walk it out by the power of the Holy Spirit and in the company of other Christ followers pushing me on. My walk reflects what God desires for me as His child – to grow… My walk is a direct result from a daily habit of what I am reading…. My walk is a love statement to Him that I not only hear Him, I choose to obey Him…

A little lengthy with this blog, but well worth your time…

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