Friday, April 24, 2009


When I conduct premarital counseling sessions, I ask every couple to read 1 Corinthians 13 from the Message version of the Bible. I love to see their facial expressions. It’s like they’re seeing something for the first time, and I sense from them that it’s what every couple – every person – longs for. Privately, their mannerisms state, “If we can have this in our marriage or life, we will experience success, but without this picture of love, it will echo emptiness.

Take these statements from God’s Word on love and begin to build…
  • Love always finds a way
  • Let love be your greatest aim
  • Love people more than they deserve
  • Love does not force its will or way
  • Love keeps no record of wrongs
  • Never miss a chance to say a kind, encouraging word
  • Be lovable
  • Make it a point to love someone who is unlovable
  • Love builds bridges
  • Love never gives up

One fundamental thought: We all want to be loved. What can you do today in your home, in your neighborhood, in your church, in your job, in your business, and in your marriage to show acts of love? Love is best revealed in action.

I heard this statement, “You can give without loving, but you can’t love without giving.” That is so right on. I know how to love because Christ first loved me.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Gentlemen, this blog will go out to everyone, but it will specifically connect with those who can be a part of our MEN’S ENCOUNTER, a retreat taking place May 15-17. Our theme is centered around “THE WARRIOR.”

Why the WARRIOR? Because God has created you with the heart and passion of a warrior. I am most certain there are some ladies who, just like last year, want to be a part of the retreat, but gentlemen, this weekend is dedicated to men. My prayer is that God would build you up and show you who He wants you to become so that when God searches He has no problem identifying men who are passionate about living a godly life.

Here is what God said in a passage in the Old Testament found in Ezekiel 22:30, “I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the people, but how many did I find? Absolutely ZERO”. God is looking for men of courage, men of integrity, men who would fight for their families, their faith, their friends, and their future. EVERY WARRIOR HAS A CAUSE TO FIGHT FOR.

Men register today! The benefits of a getaway like this are priceless. You are destined for a life-changing encounter.

Go to or call the church office at 407-566-0155. These are just a couple of ways that you can register.

Friday, April 17, 2009


I want to share with you a quick thought that I hope creates a big relief when it comes to your walk and your developing relationship with Christ. Let’s talk about GRACE. You may have the head knowledge - “It’s God’s gift to me. I know I don’t work my way into heaven. It’s just a gift.” You may have this knowledge of God’s grace in your life but, to be truthful, most people don’t live like they have this knowledge.

In fact, you may continually think that God disapproves of you. Even though you know you’re not saved by your efforts, you find yourself constantly trying to please God. You find yourself going throughout your day wondering, “Is God mad at me today?” Or, you wonder, “Is God ticked off at me because of what I did yesterday?” Some people have this view that God is this parent they’re unable to please. “It's not good enough. Can’t you do any better?” It's like the parent who always has the tense look on their face thinking “Come on! Step up! Get your act together. When are you going to start doing it right?” Ok, get the picture? Who really wants to get to know a guy who is always critical and who you can never please? THIS IS NOT GRACE.

There are many, many definitions or word descriptions of the word “grace.” Grace has many different sizes and shapes. No one definition could adequately describe it. Below, I will attempt to give you a few:

Grace is God’s love in action.
Grace is when God gives us what we need, not what we deserve.
Grace is something we cannot pay or repay for, but God gives it to us anyway.
Grace is the face that God wears when He looks at our failures, our faults, and our mistakes.

Romans 3:24 says, “All need to be made right with God.” How? “By His grace which is a free gift...through Jesus Christ.” This is best gift you will be offered. You will never be offered a better gift.

Accept it, open it, enjoy it.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I'm Lost...

I am on Spring break with my children for the next few days. We are staying at a hotel and right in the lobby is this incredible display and artistic design of an Easter egg made of solid chocolate with a few crafted designs centered around Easter this weekend. Last thing I want to be is a social killjoy, but there is one problem...there is no mention of Christ in this artistic piece. And yet, that’s what this weekend is all about. This could be a long blog, but I don’t want it to be.

Have you ever been driving and find that you are lost but didn’t realize it? You finally figure out that you’re lost, but you’re too proud to admit it. Then, after you reach a frustrated point, you decide to stop and ask for directions. And to top it off, your wife says, “See? I told you.” Now, it’s mostly males who operate like this, because I have discovered that most females when lost will immediately stop and ask for directions.

As I looked at this beautiful and time-consuming design of artistry, it hit me that people are lost and some have no clue. Is there a way we can enlighten them? They are lost. In this time right now with so much anxiety and stress over the issues happening in our world, we as Christ followers have a perfect opportunity to point them to what Christ did for each of us 2000 years ago.

Unfortunately, a carefully sculptured chocolate egg will satisfy your sweet tooth with all that sugar, but it will leave your heart and soul empty. We can’t make people stop and ask for directions, but we can definitely encourage them. Each of us who have experienced the promise of being reconciled to God has a beautiful story to tell. Through praying for them and inviting them, we have the percentages in our favor that they will stop and ask. Don’t let this opportunity pass without giving it an honest effort.

We have a few days left. Let’s invite a friend this Easter to experience a life-changing encounter with Christ.

Friday, April 3, 2009

A Changed Life...

Easter is a little over a week away, and it would totally ignite your life if the people you know discovered for themselves the God that has changed, and continues to change, your life! Make it a point to ask them to join you Easter Sunday. There is a 95% chance that they will accept your invitation.

Mercy and love, regardless of who you are, are something we all yearn for every day. Personally, I want a fresh start and someone to love me unconditionally. Listen, God’s love and His mercy are not temporary; they are eternal. You could yearn for it every day for the rest of your life and you would not find the end of it. It is like your favorite meal or snack -- no matter how much you have of it, there is never an end. Isn’t that awesome?!

Think of God’s mercy and love like this: You could spend your entire life searching for it, experiencing it, relying on it, asking God for it, and you would never reach the end of it. Every one of us makes bad decisions. We make bad decisions and have consequences that follow those bad decisions, and we need God’s mercy in our daily lives.

Here is a great prayer found in Lamentations 3:22-23: “The unfailing love of the Lord never ends. By His mercies, we have been kept from complete destruction. Great is His faithfulness. His mercies begin afresh every day.” If I could have one goal for your life, it would be this prayer for you. Great is His faithfulness. His mercies are fresh and new each day!

Let’s invite a friend this Easter to experience a life-changing encounter with Christ.