Wow, what it must be like to work in retail… especially a department store… especially the day after Christmas! From handling the last minute shopper on Christmas Eve to welcoming the discouraged shopper after Christmas waiting in long lines to return that “perfect” gift that wasn’t quite so perfect.
Have you ever felt like you wanted to return YOU? I mean, have you ever wished you could trade yourself in for a better version of you? I think we’ve all felt that at one time or another. Most of the time it centers around beliefs we have about ourselves. We don’t feel that we quite measure up, or we don’t feel quite up to the tasks or challenges that are in our lives, or perhaps we just want an upgrade. Whatever it is, it’s important to know when God created you, he didn’t save the receipt “just in case” you didn’t work out! No, on the contrary! He created the perfect YOU the first time around. And as my mom used to say as we were growing up, “GOD DON’T MAKE NO JUNK!”
At Celebrate, we spent the past month trying to shape, or reshape, our focus on Letting Christmas Be Christmas. Reminding us that Christmas is about Christ… yet it is also about us. Not only changing our view of Christ but also of ourselves. Sometimes my kids will use our computer to take funny pictures of themselves. There is a way you can take a photo using special software that distorts the image. Make your head long and warped, short and fat, one eye higher than the other, it reminds me of going to carnivals and walking past one of those fun house mirrors that would make your body look all sorts of shapes. In life, most often when we look at ourselves what we see is a distorted image of ourselves. Because we have all grown up with imperfect people around us and with ourselves being imperfect, often the image of our life is distorted. And it is definitely not the perfect image that God sees… the person that He created… beautifully and wonderfully made!
What does God say about you? The Bible encourages us to know the truth. Why? Because the truth brings us freedom. It is the truth that sets us free from our hurts and hang-ups. So don’t be so quick to return YOU and give up on God.
There is a passage of Scriptural truths in the Bible that I encourage you to read located in 1 Peter 2:4-10. The Apostle Peter was writing to people who were discouraged, who were taking some heavy hits on their esteem. They were being ridiculed, imprisoned, and executed! They were having a tough time in life under the rule of the Roman Empire.
Look in verses 9 & 10, “You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy!”
Wow! I hope you will see and receive what God says about if you are a believer in Jesus Christ. READ, REMEMBER AND KEEP RECITING these truths of God’s Word…
“You are a chosen people…”
“You are a people belonging to God…”
“You are living stones…”
“You are a royal priest and a holy people…”
“You are now recipients of mercy…”
“All these titles of God’s people now belong to you….”
As I end this blog on this day after Christmas, my heart is that you would be reminded that if you are trusting in Christ, then you are a member of God’s family, you are acceptable… you are valuable… you are capable… you are competent… you are forgiven!
This holiday season, let’s make sure the only items we return are those not-so-perfect Christmas Gifts, and thank God for the perfect person he created us to be!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Today I received Good News. My daughter had a spot on her eye, and an optometrist recommended that we take her to an ophthalmologist because it went beyond their expertise. It is moments like those when you can be consumed with fear and just filled with anxiousness to get to the specialist, and all you long for is good news. To keep it short, that is exactly what we received...good news. We left the doctor's office smiling, and in peace that it was not what our minds were trying to tell us it might be. What was it like in the field that night when the Angels busted open the heavens to bring news to a few shepherd that the answer to their lives and to the entire world was being born?
There was a time in our history when young boys and men would stand at the intersections of city street corners and shout, "Extra! Extra! Read all about it!" It was used to draw people's attention to the latest news -- some of it good news and some of it troubling news. It was thousands of years ago when the divine made a whole earthly proclamation. This announcement was GOOD NEWS! The news was centered around God's desire to be part of man's daily life, connecting the Creator God to His most prize creation...humanity. Up to this point, before the divine announcement of Christ being born and of God bursting on the scene, the heavens were silent. Why the announcement? What would provoke God to become human and be born in such a messed up environment? God's design and reason was focused on communicating, "I love you -- it is you I love." He was saying back then, and it's still true today, that His love isn't based on what you do. His love is based on who He is. His intrusion into humanity was to serve as "Good News to all people" by proclaiming "Your Savior is Born" and "He will bring peace and restoration to all people." I hope you will not leave this gift wrapped up but that you will instead unwrap the greatest Gift God has given you.
To all Christ followers, this is the time when people are open to go to Church more than any other time on the calendar year outside of Easter. Amazingly, both times are centered around Jesus Christ. Let me encourage you to find a Christmas Eve service. Invite friends to join you who have discovered the reason for the birth of Jesus and share that moment with them. If you live in the Orlando area, stop by the Omni this Wednesday, December 24th, and spend some time with family and friends to hear why this is more than just a baby in a manger; it is God's message of love to you and to the world. We have an opportunity so let's make the most of this time. Go to our website at
May this be your most memorabel Christmas ever as you discovery God's amazing love for you and you experience His gift to you...Jesus Christ.
There was a time in our history when young boys and men would stand at the intersections of city street corners and shout, "Extra! Extra! Read all about it!" It was used to draw people's attention to the latest news -- some of it good news and some of it troubling news. It was thousands of years ago when the divine made a whole earthly proclamation. This announcement was GOOD NEWS! The news was centered around God's desire to be part of man's daily life, connecting the Creator God to His most prize creation...humanity. Up to this point, before the divine announcement of Christ being born and of God bursting on the scene, the heavens were silent. Why the announcement? What would provoke God to become human and be born in such a messed up environment? God's design and reason was focused on communicating, "I love you -- it is you I love." He was saying back then, and it's still true today, that His love isn't based on what you do. His love is based on who He is. His intrusion into humanity was to serve as "Good News to all people" by proclaiming "Your Savior is Born" and "He will bring peace and restoration to all people." I hope you will not leave this gift wrapped up but that you will instead unwrap the greatest Gift God has given you.
To all Christ followers, this is the time when people are open to go to Church more than any other time on the calendar year outside of Easter. Amazingly, both times are centered around Jesus Christ. Let me encourage you to find a Christmas Eve service. Invite friends to join you who have discovered the reason for the birth of Jesus and share that moment with them. If you live in the Orlando area, stop by the Omni this Wednesday, December 24th, and spend some time with family and friends to hear why this is more than just a baby in a manger; it is God's message of love to you and to the world. We have an opportunity so let's make the most of this time. Go to our website at
May this be your most memorabel Christmas ever as you discovery God's amazing love for you and you experience His gift to you...Jesus Christ.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Let's Celebrate
I want to thank you for taking the time to read these Christmas thoughts. I have discovered several facts along life’s journey: People long for community and God’s designed all of us to live in a loving community, a community centered around values of trust, hope, love, and vision. God wants us to do more than just get by. He wants us to celebrate His life and follow Christ together. We will be celebrating together this coming Sunday and then we'll come back together again on Christmas Eve at the Omni to consider the impact of His birth.
We are doing a service that is not just for us. This series, "Let It Be Christmas," and our Christmas Eve service allows us as a community of Christ followers to reach out and offer to the community a Christmas experience where the story of the birth of Christ unfolds in a marvelous way. It will be another dynamic presentation, and it is why we have made thousands of advertisement cards, letters, emails, and full newspaper ads, and it is why we are making room for more and more and more. We want you to know there is a place this Christmas season to bring family, friends and neighbors to come and hear the story about the birth of Jesus Christ. I am taking time in this week's blog and e-letter to communicate the importance of inviting family and friends. It is one of those times of the year where people are really open to hearing about Christ and venturing off to church.
This is also a time where Carol and I will be making our Christmas offering above and beyond our normal giving. Every year for the past 4 years during Christmas at Celebrate, we offer a gift above and beyond to the work of Jesus Christ to honor Him on the day we celebrate His birth and His arrival to the world. And so I invite you this weekend and this Christmas Eve to make a wonderful gift to the Christ child.
As a spiritual community of Christ followers, we are not here to do church or play games, we are here to celebrate that God came into this world in His son Jesus Christ, and that changed everything.
We are doing a service that is not just for us. This series, "Let It Be Christmas," and our Christmas Eve service allows us as a community of Christ followers to reach out and offer to the community a Christmas experience where the story of the birth of Christ unfolds in a marvelous way. It will be another dynamic presentation, and it is why we have made thousands of advertisement cards, letters, emails, and full newspaper ads, and it is why we are making room for more and more and more. We want you to know there is a place this Christmas season to bring family, friends and neighbors to come and hear the story about the birth of Jesus Christ. I am taking time in this week's blog and e-letter to communicate the importance of inviting family and friends. It is one of those times of the year where people are really open to hearing about Christ and venturing off to church.
This is also a time where Carol and I will be making our Christmas offering above and beyond our normal giving. Every year for the past 4 years during Christmas at Celebrate, we offer a gift above and beyond to the work of Jesus Christ to honor Him on the day we celebrate His birth and His arrival to the world. And so I invite you this weekend and this Christmas Eve to make a wonderful gift to the Christ child.
As a spiritual community of Christ followers, we are not here to do church or play games, we are here to celebrate that God came into this world in His son Jesus Christ, and that changed everything.
Friday, December 12, 2008
A Strong Team Spirit
I first began to understand the importance of TEAM as an athlete and as a coach. I just finished reading an incredible magazine which highlighted a study of the 100 largest and fastest growing churches in the United States. A common denominator revealed in each of these strong churches was a strong team spirit.
The body of Christ functions as a team ministry. Romans 12:4-5 says, “Just as there are many parts to our bodies, likewise there are many parts to Christ’s Body.” God designed it so that we all need each other to have a effective church. Everyone plays an important role. The very fact that the church is a body and not a business means that teamwork is a vital component to accomplishing God’s ministry to humanity.
It takes everyone with different abilities, financial status, married, single, young, old, personalities, and backgrounds. A major step toward a strong team spirit is for each of us to admit we need a team fulfill what God has called us as a church to do.
The success of Celebrate is not about personalities, or programs. The success of Celebrate is really about the many people who work together and give together toward a common goal! No doubt vision must be given and shared but it takes teamwork to make God’s dream work.
All throughout Scripture, we see that when there are more hands working and giving, more is accomplished. Mutual encouragement is vital to Celebrate because we’re not just working to accomplish well-meaning projects: we are in a spiritual battle -- carrying the most important message the lost world will ever hear! The devil wants to halt us and slow us down, and one of his favorite tools is discouragement. That’s why we need a team working together.
During this Christmas season, a strong team spirit is more important than ever. Let’s come together as a church family and lift each other up, play our important roles, and make a difference in people’s lives… after all, that’s what Christmas is all about!
The body of Christ functions as a team ministry. Romans 12:4-5 says, “Just as there are many parts to our bodies, likewise there are many parts to Christ’s Body.” God designed it so that we all need each other to have a effective church. Everyone plays an important role. The very fact that the church is a body and not a business means that teamwork is a vital component to accomplishing God’s ministry to humanity.
It takes everyone with different abilities, financial status, married, single, young, old, personalities, and backgrounds. A major step toward a strong team spirit is for each of us to admit we need a team fulfill what God has called us as a church to do.
The success of Celebrate is not about personalities, or programs. The success of Celebrate is really about the many people who work together and give together toward a common goal! No doubt vision must be given and shared but it takes teamwork to make God’s dream work.
All throughout Scripture, we see that when there are more hands working and giving, more is accomplished. Mutual encouragement is vital to Celebrate because we’re not just working to accomplish well-meaning projects: we are in a spiritual battle -- carrying the most important message the lost world will ever hear! The devil wants to halt us and slow us down, and one of his favorite tools is discouragement. That’s why we need a team working together.
During this Christmas season, a strong team spirit is more important than ever. Let’s come together as a church family and lift each other up, play our important roles, and make a difference in people’s lives… after all, that’s what Christmas is all about!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Your Christmas Gift
What is the message of Christmas? If I can summarize it in a few short words, the message of Christmas is YOU MATTER TO GOD. You really do. You matter to God so much that He sent Jesus Christ to earth to let you know how much you matter to Him. That is the whole message of Christmas.
Over the next several weeks, there will be one word that will dominate your vocabulary. The most-used word during this season of the year is the word “gift”. You will be frantically searching for the right gifts and trying to get them at the right price, but where did all this gift giving begin? The tradition of gift giving began because God gave you a special gift at the very first Christmas. God has a gift for you, and His gift to you is Jesus Christ.
Inside the gift of Christ you will find many other gifts. This passage of Scripture from the Bible shows us that we will have the gifts that we all desire through the one gift of Jesus Christ: The angel said, "Don't be afraid! I bring you the most joyful news ever announced, and it is for everyone! Today your Savior was born... He is Christ, the Lord ... Give glory to God in heaven, and on earth let there be peace among the people who please God." Luke 2:10-11, 14
The gift of JOY - I bring you the most joyful news ever announced
The gift of HOPE - Today your Savior was born
The gift of PEACE - Let there be peace among the people
Joy is based on promises made by God… Hope is anchored in unshakeable truths that do not change … Peace with God and peace with yourself results in harmony with others.
Let’s invite people to hear about this gift by inviting them to be at church with you. Pray that they will unwrap this special gift - Christ.
Over the next several weeks, there will be one word that will dominate your vocabulary. The most-used word during this season of the year is the word “gift”. You will be frantically searching for the right gifts and trying to get them at the right price, but where did all this gift giving begin? The tradition of gift giving began because God gave you a special gift at the very first Christmas. God has a gift for you, and His gift to you is Jesus Christ.
Inside the gift of Christ you will find many other gifts. This passage of Scripture from the Bible shows us that we will have the gifts that we all desire through the one gift of Jesus Christ: The angel said, "Don't be afraid! I bring you the most joyful news ever announced, and it is for everyone! Today your Savior was born... He is Christ, the Lord ... Give glory to God in heaven, and on earth let there be peace among the people who please God." Luke 2:10-11, 14
The gift of JOY - I bring you the most joyful news ever announced
The gift of HOPE - Today your Savior was born
The gift of PEACE - Let there be peace among the people
Joy is based on promises made by God… Hope is anchored in unshakeable truths that do not change … Peace with God and peace with yourself results in harmony with others.
Let’s invite people to hear about this gift by inviting them to be at church with you. Pray that they will unwrap this special gift - Christ.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
What an Opportunity
We all want our lives to count. Regardless of our age, we don’t want to just simply exist. We have an opportunity to invest our lives into things that are really important. Knowing that lives are changing and will continue to change as people of all ages discover Christ is exciting. God does not want us wasting our lives with “when and then” thinking by believing that “when” this happens “then” we will really start having fun and living life. Allow me to encourage and challenge you to do something for God that really matters.
Doing something for God’s kingdom and His cause is a guarantee of no regrets. When you get to the end of life and look back, the only thing that will matter is whether you accomplished God’s purposes for your life. Jesus told the twelve that followed Him, “I must be about my Father’s business.” If we all had that focus and concentration in our lives, there is no telling what God would accomplish in the world.
I find that people are paralyzed by the fear that they may go through life not accomplishing anything that has significance and value. All of us want our lives to count.
Many call Celebrate home and many more visit Celebrate’s website. We are always hearing from you and it is encouraging. I challenged our Celebrate family two weeks ago to pray and commit to a year-end gift. Our goal is to reach $290,000. This gift would go toward the remaining balance for the land we have contracted with Disney to purchase. (By the way, this land will house the first phase building of Celebrate Church, and we are currently going through the due diligence process to see that first phase completed by December 2010.)
The year-end gift would also help to furnish our newest campus location where ongoing life-changing ministry takes place including the weekly gatherings and meetings of our young adult community and the Celebrate Recovery ministry. If you were at Celebrate or if you happened to listen to our Podcast two weeks ago, you heard from those who have experienced the kind of life change that only Jesus Christ can give. Of course there are so many more stories I would love for you to hear, and if you hang around Celebrate long enough, you will personally witness hundreds of lives discovering Christ.
What a way to make our lives count by investing in His Kingdom and His Cause. Thank you for hearing my heart for people. People matter to God and they matter to us.
Doing something for God’s kingdom and His cause is a guarantee of no regrets. When you get to the end of life and look back, the only thing that will matter is whether you accomplished God’s purposes for your life. Jesus told the twelve that followed Him, “I must be about my Father’s business.” If we all had that focus and concentration in our lives, there is no telling what God would accomplish in the world.
I find that people are paralyzed by the fear that they may go through life not accomplishing anything that has significance and value. All of us want our lives to count.
Many call Celebrate home and many more visit Celebrate’s website. We are always hearing from you and it is encouraging. I challenged our Celebrate family two weeks ago to pray and commit to a year-end gift. Our goal is to reach $290,000. This gift would go toward the remaining balance for the land we have contracted with Disney to purchase. (By the way, this land will house the first phase building of Celebrate Church, and we are currently going through the due diligence process to see that first phase completed by December 2010.)
The year-end gift would also help to furnish our newest campus location where ongoing life-changing ministry takes place including the weekly gatherings and meetings of our young adult community and the Celebrate Recovery ministry. If you were at Celebrate or if you happened to listen to our Podcast two weeks ago, you heard from those who have experienced the kind of life change that only Jesus Christ can give. Of course there are so many more stories I would love for you to hear, and if you hang around Celebrate long enough, you will personally witness hundreds of lives discovering Christ.
What a way to make our lives count by investing in His Kingdom and His Cause. Thank you for hearing my heart for people. People matter to God and they matter to us.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Thanking God at Thanksgiving
This is an exciting week at Celebrate! We have all been challenged to make a commitment to give a special gift before 2008 comes to a close. This special year-end offering is going to put us in a position to pay cash for the 20+ acres of land and begin the journey of building our first phase building in 2009! Also, this offering will allow us to equip our newest ministry addition we call "The Hub" located in the Water Tower Plaza. Allow me to begin this blog by giving thanks to God for the incredible opportunity to be a part of His vision for people!
This season we’re so busy preparing, cooking, eating, entertaining, talking with friends, watching football, reading sales catalogs, and numerous other activities. Honestly, being really, truly thankful can get lost. Sometimes the only thanks we express are in that short prayer before we dig into that delectable Thanksgiving meal. So here is a thought to consider on making this a memorable time in giving thanks. Try putting this into practice during this Thanksgiving week (and throughout the other 51 weeks of the year):
The Bible shows us several ways we give thanks to show thanksgiving...
1) By worshiping God in song… "Sing out your thanks to Him; sing praises to our God..." Ps. 147:7 (Psalm 100)
Sing even if you think you sound awful.
2) By praying to God… "Give thanks to the Lord and pray to Him." Ps. 105:1 (Philippians 4:6-7)
Pray even if think you are bothering God. Trust me, you're not. He loves to hear from you!
3) By giving to God… "Give an offering to show thanks to God. Give Him what you promised." Ps. 50:14 ( 2 Corinthians 9-11 ; 1 Chronicles 29:13-16)
Give even if think it is will not make a difference. It makes a difference to God!
4) By sharing your story about God… "Thank the Lord! Praise His name! Tell the world about His wondrous love and how mighty He is!" Isaiah 12:4 ( Deut. 4:9)
Share even if think no one is interested. Deep down, every single person on earth has a longing for what Jesus Christ can offer!
“Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus” 1 Thessalonians 5:18
If you want to read more during this time on giving and how to give thanks, there are additional scriptures listed next to each scripture above. Take a moment to read, study & meditate... and let’s make this a memorable Thanksgiving time.
One last thing to remember...
This season we’re so busy preparing, cooking, eating, entertaining, talking with friends, watching football, reading sales catalogs, and numerous other activities. Honestly, being really, truly thankful can get lost. Sometimes the only thanks we express are in that short prayer before we dig into that delectable Thanksgiving meal. So here is a thought to consider on making this a memorable time in giving thanks. Try putting this into practice during this Thanksgiving week (and throughout the other 51 weeks of the year):
The Bible shows us several ways we give thanks to show thanksgiving...
1) By worshiping God in song… "Sing out your thanks to Him; sing praises to our God..." Ps. 147:7 (Psalm 100)
Sing even if you think you sound awful.
2) By praying to God… "Give thanks to the Lord and pray to Him." Ps. 105:1 (Philippians 4:6-7)
Pray even if think you are bothering God. Trust me, you're not. He loves to hear from you!
3) By giving to God… "Give an offering to show thanks to God. Give Him what you promised." Ps. 50:14 ( 2 Corinthians 9-11 ; 1 Chronicles 29:13-16)
Give even if think it is will not make a difference. It makes a difference to God!
4) By sharing your story about God… "Thank the Lord! Praise His name! Tell the world about His wondrous love and how mighty He is!" Isaiah 12:4 ( Deut. 4:9)
Share even if think no one is interested. Deep down, every single person on earth has a longing for what Jesus Christ can offer!
“Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus” 1 Thessalonians 5:18
If you want to read more during this time on giving and how to give thanks, there are additional scriptures listed next to each scripture above. Take a moment to read, study & meditate... and let’s make this a memorable Thanksgiving time.
One last thing to remember...
Thursday, November 20, 2008
'Tis the Season!
By all accounts, we are officially entering into the holiday season, with Thanksgiving just a few days away and Christmas not far behind! For many, the holiday season means excitement and merriment. For some, it means a time of loneliness or stress. But for us, as Christ-followers, it is an opportunity, scratch that, the biggest opportunity for any Christian, for any church to reach and extend a hand of compassion to a world's needs. It's the time of the year when pretty much anyone will give church a glance and a chance. If you're part of a church, don't let this opportunity pass by. There's someone in your life that needs to hear about Jesus. Someone in your path that can be served by someone who truly knows Jesus. And you are the one they'll hear it from. You are the one who can serve them... maybe the only one!
With economic and relational challenges at an all-time high, let's make it a priority to meet those needs in people's lives during these hard times. What an opportunity to meet the GREATEST NEED... the need for spiritual fulfillment an completeness. Invite them to church to hear about Christ. Invite them to hear your story. Invite them into your life and relationship with Christ. People will have doubts, but through your heart of compassion and care you can put many of those doubts to rest.
And if you are a Christ follower, know that people everywhere are praying for you. I'm praying for you. With our economy the way it is, this is going to be a more difficult season than many in the past, but also a greater opportunity than ever before to be the heart, the hands, the feet of Christ!
And when you face challenges this season... whether relationally, financially, spiritually, or emotionally, recognize those things for what they are. Attacks. Most of all, don't let those challenges keep you from what God has called you to do this season!
Because remember, you are part of the Christ family and we have been called to be a force of influence in our world... Let's do more than just wish people a Merry Christmas this season... let's show them how to have a full life in Christ!!
With economic and relational challenges at an all-time high, let's make it a priority to meet those needs in people's lives during these hard times. What an opportunity to meet the GREATEST NEED... the need for spiritual fulfillment an completeness. Invite them to church to hear about Christ. Invite them to hear your story. Invite them into your life and relationship with Christ. People will have doubts, but through your heart of compassion and care you can put many of those doubts to rest.
And if you are a Christ follower, know that people everywhere are praying for you. I'm praying for you. With our economy the way it is, this is going to be a more difficult season than many in the past, but also a greater opportunity than ever before to be the heart, the hands, the feet of Christ!
And when you face challenges this season... whether relationally, financially, spiritually, or emotionally, recognize those things for what they are. Attacks. Most of all, don't let those challenges keep you from what God has called you to do this season!
Because remember, you are part of the Christ family and we have been called to be a force of influence in our world... Let's do more than just wish people a Merry Christmas this season... let's show them how to have a full life in Christ!!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Believing in the Next Generation
Unlike past generations, young people today aren’t looking for the meaning of life. Instead, they’re searching for meaning in life, a purpose to live for, something they can pour their hearts and their souls into... something that makes their lives worth living!
The Bible teaches that God made everyone, including young people, with an identity and a reason for living. What a difference it would make in the life of a young person if he or she felt truly and wholly accepted by God? What if they understood – deeply – that they belonged to the family of God? Or that the hand of God will guide them – deliberately – throughout life?
Most teenagers struggle with love and acceptance. Or goal is to build into their lives the precious knowledge that they were created as an object of God’s love. Can you imagine how different teenagers would be if they really, truly believed that God made them for His own joy?
Teenagers search for a group where they can belong, a place where they can feel accepted. I believe they do this because God created each one of us with a longing for belonging. Ephesians 1:5 teaches us, “His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into his own family.”
We have a responsibility to be to help our teenagers become more and more like Christ... this is why we invest so much into the youth programs at Celebrate. And this is why I am ecstatic that in just a few hours, 200 teenagers will depart for a spiritually revolutionizing Fall Retreat!
Studies show most people who come to Christ – at least in the United States – come to Him before they turn 18. Other studies show people are far more receptive to hearing the Gospel from a friend than a stranger. As our teens depart this weekend on this Fall Retreat let’s believe for God through His Holy Spirit that this is a memorable and life changing spiritual encounter. And when they return, let's continue to pray for them, invest in them, and believe in them!!
The Bible teaches that God made everyone, including young people, with an identity and a reason for living. What a difference it would make in the life of a young person if he or she felt truly and wholly accepted by God? What if they understood – deeply – that they belonged to the family of God? Or that the hand of God will guide them – deliberately – throughout life?
Most teenagers struggle with love and acceptance. Or goal is to build into their lives the precious knowledge that they were created as an object of God’s love. Can you imagine how different teenagers would be if they really, truly believed that God made them for His own joy?
Teenagers search for a group where they can belong, a place where they can feel accepted. I believe they do this because God created each one of us with a longing for belonging. Ephesians 1:5 teaches us, “His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into his own family.”
We have a responsibility to be to help our teenagers become more and more like Christ... this is why we invest so much into the youth programs at Celebrate. And this is why I am ecstatic that in just a few hours, 200 teenagers will depart for a spiritually revolutionizing Fall Retreat!
Studies show most people who come to Christ – at least in the United States – come to Him before they turn 18. Other studies show people are far more receptive to hearing the Gospel from a friend than a stranger. As our teens depart this weekend on this Fall Retreat let’s believe for God through His Holy Spirit that this is a memorable and life changing spiritual encounter. And when they return, let's continue to pray for them, invest in them, and believe in them!!
Friday, November 7, 2008
T.E.A.M.W.O.R.K. in Relationships
The success of any marriage or relationship depends largely on developing a mutual teamwork attitude with a deep sense of team spirit. As a player, coach, and one who has served on staffs, I’ve witnessed the incredible power of a unified team to create progress, growth and achievements versus those who approached life solo and think only about themselves.
A team spirit is never accidental; it is always intentional. Teamwork is built on a foundation of three healthy elements: a compelling purpose, clear communication, and commonly held values. I want to share with you a simple acrostic on T.E.A.M.W.O.R.K. that will help you in building your marriage or relationships.
T – Trust
Trust in your marriage and relationships is the emotional glue that binds you together; it’s essential to producing true confidence in each other. Trust results from Consistency...Loyalty....Truthful Communication!
E – Energy
Everything has a burnout rate if it does not have a retreat and getaway time. Rather than using up all of your energy in your occupation, make it a priority to allocate energy towards those relationships that are most important. Getaway and enjoy each other. Refuse to use leftover time... use allocated time.
A – Affirmation
Everybody is hungry for affirmation. When one does not get it, they get cranky. It’s amazing how a smile and a simple word of encouragement can change a person's entire day. Ways you can affirm your marriage or relationship... valuing their thoughts.... appreciating their uniqueness... commend their efforts.
M – Managing Mistakes
The Bible teaches: “Even though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again.” Proverbs 24:16. I love that truth because it points out that even righteous people make mistakes and stumble occasionally. Mistakes are not failures, because you’re never a failure until you give up. Mistakes teach us what doesn’t work. Mistakes are how we learn and get better. And grace for others' mistakes creates a safe and secure environment.
W – Weekly Times Together
Times of reading God's Word together, prayer together, sharing stories together, and spiritual intimacy. These times won't happen accidentally. The old saying rings true especially in this area... If you fail to plan, then plan to fail! Make it a priority.
O – Open Communication
Open communication is the cornerstone of any great team.. Proverbs 13:17 says: “Reliable communication permits progress.” Here are just a few barriers to healthy communication... Assumptions...Impatience...Pride... can you think of others?
R – Recognition and Reward
The more credit you give to others, the more you develop healthy team spirit in your marriage or relationships. It’s that simple. The Bible says, “Give honor and respect to all those to whom it is due.” Romans 13:7
K – Keep on Learning
All leaders are learners. The moment you stop learning, you stop being a leader. And every relationship requires leadership. Another proverb says: “The intelligent person is always open to new ideas. In fact, he looks for them.” Proverbs 18:15
If you practice these eight T.E.A.M.W.O.R.K. values in your marriage and relationships, you’ll experience new levels of success and excitement. Take that step, and watch your relationships soar to new heights.
May God bless you,
Pastor Joe
A team spirit is never accidental; it is always intentional. Teamwork is built on a foundation of three healthy elements: a compelling purpose, clear communication, and commonly held values. I want to share with you a simple acrostic on T.E.A.M.W.O.R.K. that will help you in building your marriage or relationships.
T – Trust
Trust in your marriage and relationships is the emotional glue that binds you together; it’s essential to producing true confidence in each other. Trust results from Consistency...Loyalty....Truthful Communication!
E – Energy
Everything has a burnout rate if it does not have a retreat and getaway time. Rather than using up all of your energy in your occupation, make it a priority to allocate energy towards those relationships that are most important. Getaway and enjoy each other. Refuse to use leftover time... use allocated time.
A – Affirmation
Everybody is hungry for affirmation. When one does not get it, they get cranky. It’s amazing how a smile and a simple word of encouragement can change a person's entire day. Ways you can affirm your marriage or relationship... valuing their thoughts.... appreciating their uniqueness... commend their efforts.
M – Managing Mistakes
The Bible teaches: “Even though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again.” Proverbs 24:16. I love that truth because it points out that even righteous people make mistakes and stumble occasionally. Mistakes are not failures, because you’re never a failure until you give up. Mistakes teach us what doesn’t work. Mistakes are how we learn and get better. And grace for others' mistakes creates a safe and secure environment.
W – Weekly Times Together
Times of reading God's Word together, prayer together, sharing stories together, and spiritual intimacy. These times won't happen accidentally. The old saying rings true especially in this area... If you fail to plan, then plan to fail! Make it a priority.
O – Open Communication
Open communication is the cornerstone of any great team.. Proverbs 13:17 says: “Reliable communication permits progress.” Here are just a few barriers to healthy communication... Assumptions...Impatience...Pride... can you think of others?
R – Recognition and Reward
The more credit you give to others, the more you develop healthy team spirit in your marriage or relationships. It’s that simple. The Bible says, “Give honor and respect to all those to whom it is due.” Romans 13:7
K – Keep on Learning
All leaders are learners. The moment you stop learning, you stop being a leader. And every relationship requires leadership. Another proverb says: “The intelligent person is always open to new ideas. In fact, he looks for them.” Proverbs 18:15
If you practice these eight T.E.A.M.W.O.R.K. values in your marriage and relationships, you’ll experience new levels of success and excitement. Take that step, and watch your relationships soar to new heights.
May God bless you,
Pastor Joe
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The Love Dare...

What an amazing weekend! So many responded to journey the next 40 Days on the LOVE DARE. I want to encourage you stick with it. Lean on God and hear the voice of God tell you, YOU CAN DO IT. Complete it for your spouse, complete it for your children, and complete for those watching you.
Let your marriage serve as a example of what God can do when you lean and listen to Him. The benefits will be eternally priceless. We have all seen the fairytale weddings end up as horror stories. We've seen things start off so right that ended up wrong. This 40 day LOVE DARE is a challenge for all! For some it will mean a complete makeover, for others it is more fuel to an already hot (in a good way) marriage, and for some it is starting your young marriage on a healthy path. At the end of this journey, I hope you say "WOW, LOOK AT WHAT HAPPENED!"
If you haven't started the 40 day LOVE DARE yet, begin today - don't put it off!
One last thing... the WINNING AT HOME MARRIAGE CONFERENCE is this weekend at the Gaylord Palms (Nov. 7-8)... whether married or single, this will be an investment that will return a lifetime of benefits. If your marriage is struggling, in the ditch, or healthy, this is for you. If you are single, reports tell us 90% of you will get married. What a great opportunity to have a game plan before you say "till death do us part".
Winning In Relationships,
Pastor Joe
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Go Vote --

Let me begin by saying that I don't think it is right for me to endorse a particular political candidate or ever campaign for a candidate. My role is to pastor all people regardless of their political persuasion. This is my primary reason for not endorsing a candidate, not to mention protecting the non-profit status of Celebrate Church.
There is a big difference between separation of church and state versus faith and politics. When you vote (and I do encourage you to vote), I challenge you to make your decisions based on your values, based on your worldview as a Christ-follower. I think it is our responsibility to make our political decisions based on our faith. How you view the world and how you value your faith will influence how you will live the next four years... and beyond.
There are some propositions that impose on our faith values that are specifically contradictions to God’s design for man. I cannot endorse a candidate but I will endorse a proposition on the ballot here in Florida that aligns itself with God’s Word. Proposition 2 advocates God’s design for marriage to be defined as the union One Man & One Woman. For that I ask that you vote in support of Proposition 2.
When it comes to the candidates for political office I encourage you to vote according to your faith and worldview, not based on personality, popularity or political party. If Jesus were walking the earth today in the flesh, I am pretty sure He would be neither Republican nor Democrat. He would be PRO-GOD! :)
Below are some thoughts for those of us who are Christ followers and areas we have an opportunity to influence, regardless of who is elected to office.
CHRIST FOLLOWERS are the ones who should love people, whoever they are–gay or straight, Jew or Muslim, religious or atheist, capitalist or not, conservative or liberal!
CHRIST FOLLOWERS are the ones who have capability to do more than anyone in the world to stop the HIV and disease around the world !
CHRIST FOLLOWERS are the people who should gravitate more toward the poor and who should show more compassion through generous action and seek justice so that the causes of poverty are overcome. They call the rich to generosity, and they call on rich nations to work for the common good.
CHRIST FOLLOWERS care for the environment. They don’t see it as raw materials for economic gain, but they see it as the precious handiwork of their Creator.
If you were hoping in this blog that I would tell you my "stance" on this election, I am sorry to disappoint you. The truth is that it doesn't really matter what MY stance is, or what I think, or what I believe. The question should always be, "What is God's stance and what does the Bible say?" That is our measuring rod and should be the basis for every vote we cast!
I want to make a resource available to you. This summer at Celebrate, we shared a message titled, "God & Politics" that would benefit every person to listen to as we approach election day. Click here to to listen to the audio message online now (or right click to download).
Happy voting!
Finally Blogging...
Ok, so I am finally blogging. Thanks to my tech-savvy staff, I have decided to come on into the 21st century.... it's nice here.
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